Boolean options

If you specify an option for --dev:

- !Option [dev, !Type bool]

the .dev attribute will be None if that options is not specified and True if it is specified, so you should be able to just use it with if

If you explicitly want the attribute to be False if the option is not specified use:

- !Option [dev, !Type bool, !Default False]

storing False

You can create an "inverse" boolean option, that defaults to True if not specified and to False if it is using:

- !Option [dev, !Type bool, !Const False, !Default True]

tri-state with --no-

If you want both an option --dev and an option --no-dev, the later e.g. to be able to reverse the default value read from a configuration file, you need to specify two options that write to the same destination attribute:

- !Option [dev, !Type bool]   # without !Dest uses the first (long) option as destination
- !Option [no-dev, !Type bool, !Dest dev, !Const False]

This is actually a tri-state, with None as attribute value when neither --dev nor --no-dev were specified.